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Losing Sleep? Here's 10 Things That Can Happen To Your Body

Everyone knows how important sleep is for their health and wellbeing. However, following a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 50% of adults in the US are reported to not get enough sleep. One common reason for this is that we're working too hard and not taking enough time for rest. We also have an overly-active and constantly-connected lifestyle. It is important to know that lack of sleep can lead to:

1) Weight Gain

The CDC study found that over 50% of adults in the US report not getting enough sleep. This is a big problem because it can lead to weight gain. People who don't get enough sleep are more likely to put on weight than those that do. Poor sleep is associated with increased oxidative stress, glucose (blood sugar) intolerance (a precursor to diabetes), and insulin resistance. Extra time spent awake may increase the opportunities to eat, and sleeping less may disrupt circadian rhythms, all of which can lead to weight gain.

2) Problems with Mood and Cognitive Function

Lack of sleep may lead to problems with mood and cognitive function. One study found that people who didn't get enough sleep were more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and stress disorders. This is why sleep is so detrimental to our mental health.

3) Poor Physical Health

Research has shown that insufficient sleep can lead to poor physical health. One study showed that people who didn't get enough sleep had a higher chance of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer.

4) Diabetes

The CDC study also found that people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to develop diabetes. The study's lead author, Dr. Christopher Weintraub, said, "the number of people with diabetes has increased by 50% since the late 1990s." As mentioned above, poor sleep is often associated with glucose (blood sugar) intolerance, and insulin resistance which leads to diabetes.

5) Infertility

Lack of sleep is a leading cause of infertility. When you lack enough sleep, your body cannot produce eggs. This can prevent you from becoming pregnant and carrying a child to term.

6) Anxiety and Fatigue

For some people, anxiety and fatigue can be a problem. They might feel like they can't control their day or feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do. It's important to remember that fatigue is not always a sign of a bad health condition. Many people who experience fatigue are just experiencing tiredness from the day's activities and a lack of proper sleep.

7) Ennui

This feeling can be described as boredom, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness. It can often be felt in our everyday lives and can harm our mood. It can lead to feelings of hopelessness and a lack of motivation. It also often leads to feelings of stress and anxiety. To combat boredom, you need to find ways to keep yourself busy and engaged. You need to make sure that your life is filled with positive opportunities, both inside and outside of work while maintaining a proper sleep schedule.

8) Irritability

Not getting enough sleep often causes people to be irritable with an ever worsening mood. Studies show people who are sleep deprived report increases in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness) and decreases in positive moods.

9) Poor Concentration

Researchers at the University of Utah found that poor concentration people were more likely to experience career setbacks. They found that those with poor concentration were more likely to make mistakes, be less successful at work, and face more setbacks. Poor concentration can also lead to lower grades, missed opportunities at school, and social isolation. Sleep is essential to helping you concentrate and engage during the day.

10) Poor Job Performance

Much like poor concentration, lack of sleep can lead to poor job performance. People who don't get enough sleep are more likely to be less productive in their work. They may be less able to think clearly and make better decisions. They may also be more likely to experience fatigue and illnesses during the day resulting in more sick time.


Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. If you're struggling to get enough sleep, there are a few things you can do to help:

  • Changing your lifestyle

  • Going to bed at the same time every night

  • No screens at least an hour before bed

  • Eating healthy foods

  • Exercising regularly

  • Drinking water that's cold and refreshing

  • Avoiding over-work

  • Avoiding caffeine

  • Avoiding alcohol

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