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Flu Season Off To An Early Start: More Than 3 Million Cases in USA

Dec 19, 2019

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 80,000 people lost their lives to the flu in 2018. If that was any indication of things to come, then 2019 could be record-breaking. The CDC is closely monitoring the number of people affected by the flu this year, and the numbers are staggering. The past month, the cases are in...

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Over 60? Here's Why You Should Still Work Out

Nov 20, 2019

If you're over 60, you might think you need to slow down a bit in your daily life. While you might get to slow down in some aspects of your life, one area where you need to stay active remains your level of physical activity. Individuals over the age of 60 need to either start or keep working out to maintain their quality of life strong as...

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Don't Like Vegetables? It May Be Genetic

Nov 18, 2019

The Dislike for VegetablesIf an individual does not like the taste of vegetables, it may be due to their genes. Genes can make the taste of vegetables seem bitter for certain individuals. The taste gene is real and can impact the way different people taste certain flavors. As people get older, there is a decrease in their taste bud sensitivity....

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Our Cholesterol Levels Are Decreasing: What Does It Mean

Nov 18, 2019

The cholesterol levels of average Americans are decreasing. This raises the question of whether that means Americans now have better heart health? It's a complex question to which there's no simple answer. Cholesterol is actually vital for human existence. However, high cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for America's...

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Do Antibiotics Raise the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Oct 6, 2019

According to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network (RASN), more than 1.3 million Americans are affected with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). They also report that women are up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with RA than men, and may also encounter it at an earlier age. Genetics, environment, and lifestyle have often been associated with a...

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People With Higher Optimism More Likely to Live 'Exceptionally Long Lives'

Oct 6, 2019

While most of us would admit that optimistic people are happier, now there is even more good news for the "glass is half full" crowd. ScienceDaily reports that a study conducted over decades links an optimistic outlook with living longer. In fact, findings indicate that optimistic people are more likely to live to age 85 or older.The...

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8 Techniques to Help Improve Your Memory

Oct 6, 2019

As we age, it's possible we'll experience some memory loss. However, you could have suffered a tragic accident and struggle to remember simple things. Whatever the case, there are ways to get your memory back in working order. Try these eight techniques to help improve your memory.1. ExerciseExercise is known to clear our minds and...

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How to Stimulate Appetite

Oct 6, 2019

It’s safe to say that most people have problems controlling their appetite especially with the not-so-healthy foods such as cookies, cakes, donuts, candy and all the other processed carbs that are on the grocery shelves and served in fast-food restaurants. They taste so good, but they are extremely low nutritional value, so they don't...

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More and More Seniors are Binge Drinking

Aug 21, 2019

When binge drinking is mentioned, immediately, people start chuckling and assume it's an issue that centers around most commonly teens and young adults "getting wasted." While it's true that this unhealthy form of alcohol consumption mainly affects those from the age of 18 to 34 years, binge drinking is now skyrocketing among...

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