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High Blood Pressure in Midlife: Risk of Dementia Different for Men and Women

May 31, 2021

Studies have shown that high blood pressure in midlife increases the risk of dementia later in life. What has not been clear is whether this risk differs for men and women.Studies show that women with high blood pressure in midlife are more likely than men to develop dementia later on.Dementia is more likely to develop in women with high blood...

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5 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent A Second Stroke

May 26, 2021

A stroke can be a life-changing experience. If you are a stroke survivor, then it is important for you to take the steps that are necessary for preventing a second one. You need to work with your doctor to prevent a second stroke. Managing chronic conditions, such as atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure, can reduce your risk of having a...

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You May be Suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease without Knowing – Here is Why

Apr 22, 2021

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects around 15% of the adult population in the United States. Out of these people, up to one in seven people do not know they suffer from the disease. Two out of five do not know that they suffer from serious CKD. Are you among them? How can you know if you...

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Benefits to Walking on an Incline

Apr 22, 2021

When you are struggling to clock in your daily cardio, it's not a must. You do sprints and long-distance runs. Brisk walks can also prove effective in boosting your health and is far gentler on your joints. Additionally, if you want to add some more twists to the strolls, cardiologists insist on cranking up the incline on your...

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One Year of Isolation: Social Anxiety on the Rise

Apr 13, 2021

The idea of normal seems like another galaxy far away after a year of the pandemic. As more people get vaccinated against COVID-19, "normal" begins to creep back into our everyday lives as our schedules start to fill. If going back to your old life filled with people and places seems a little scary, you're one of the millions of...

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Air Hand Dryers Can Spread More Germs Than Paper Towels

Apr 12, 2021

Entering a clean restroom with a sparkling floor and a pleasant scent is everyone's wish. However, even spotless washrooms still spread germs. This is because most people regularly overlook the procedure of hand drying. Some of the hand dryers that are often used in washrooms include air dryers and paper dryers.A recent study shows that drying...

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Deep Vein Thrombosis Medication Recalled

Feb 15, 2021

Apotex pharmaceutical company has recalled two batches of Enoxaparin sodium injection, a blood-thinning drug used to treat Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). According to the company, the packs of the drug were recalled due to an error of packaging. The company says that the syringes would have caused inaccurate administration of the dosage due to the...

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High Blood Pressure in Women Often Written Off as A Menopausal Symptom

Feb 15, 2021

When you are thinking about your health issues, it is very important that you have a clear understanding of cause and effect. Of course, it is your doctor’s responsibility to offer a diagnosis and to understand what’s driving your health issues. Where you could potentially get yourself into a quandary is by doing your own self-diagnosis...

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Don't Forget: Mail Us Your Rx!

Feb 3, 2021

There have always been a lot of very good reasons for buying prescription drugs online. The most important one is, of course, the ability to save a lot of money over other ways of having your prescriptions filled. Convenience is also very important since many busy people do not have time to worry about filling prescriptions during normal business...

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